In 2021 US Open, the well known Watson artifical intelligence from IBM worked at the background. It took responsibility to daily ranking of a player momentum. This is IBM Power Rankings. This is AI based analysis of a player performance.

It can give you match insights. For every single march AI based estimation is there to check who can win the next match, meaning likelyhood to win.

Especially Watson is very good at making your business smart, but this time it helped the Tennis to get insights and even predict next match. Generally rather than Tennis, he works on risk and compliance, fianncial operations, advertising, business automation, healthcare etc.

Thinking that over 100 million people benefited from Watson’s great brain, we can say that some of the general office works will be completely given under the responsibility of the aritificial intelligence. So if you are working in this kind of sector, you need to learn programming and design these tools to get attention.

Check the video below to get more information;

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